PhotoBlitzing will change your life. Bold claim? Yes. But then, we like to make bold claims. Almost as much as we like to make tiny cameras out of marshmallows and graham crackers. (We're kind of crafty that way.) Yet it's true. The world will become an infinitely more interesting place as you search out those one-of-a-kind images that beg you, or perhaps dare you, to capture them. Once you start snapping pics everyday, all kinds of cool stuff will jump out at you: beautiful sunrises, stunning sunsets, flora, fauna, animals, minerals, vegetables, and just how many Starbucks cafes are in every town. (Five hundred.) Yes, your life will become filled with wondrous and amazing sights. But the biggest payoff: Discovering just how quirky everything really is.
Nothing will ever be the same when you discover a place that sells beans of all kinds (including "magic", we assume)...

...learn the many obvious dangers of trucks...

...and spot a cat with an address and a grudge.

You'll be glad to find fully-loaded emergency elevators...

...sensible traffic signs...

..and breathe a sigh of relief when you discover that a Quesadilla with Me is still only $4.59.

The world is indeed full of awesomeness. But don't just take our word for it; Go! Go now!... WAIT! Get your camera first. Okay. Now, GO! Take pics, have fun, and prepare to say...

"Wow. Really?"
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