"A good photograph is knowing where to stand." ~ Ansel Adams ~

The collaborative journal of two intrepid photographers on an epic quest to
figure out just where to stand -- while watching out for what they step in.


We Interrupt Tim's Big Bear Blitz...

...to bring you absolutely no important message. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Not even a pic. Sadly, the computer has gone slightly berserkers and refuses to upload one. But have no fear, Blitzers. We'll most likely have something good coming up this weekend. On a bright note, Tim and I had some awesome frozen yogurt this evening. If there's a Frugo's near you, try mixing the Irish Mint, Chocolate Custard, and Vanilla flavors, topped with walnuts and almonds. Add a splash of caramel sauce (my choice) or marshmallow (Tim's favorite). Mmmm, delicious! No need to thank us for this frozen treat advice, Blitzers. Remember, WE are here for YOU. If it means making recipes part of what we offer, then so be it. We aim to serve.

Hope your weekend is off to a great start everybody. Have a great time and remember to Follow Your Blitz!


...And, He's Back.

Greetings, Blitzers. News flash: Tim has returned from the land of Big Bears, refreshed, renewed, and ready for a Big Beer. Or even a little one. But, hey, he's earned it. Did a nice Blitz over the past few days. Preliminary pics are most impressive. I'll be conducting an extensive, in-depth, and hard-hitting interview with him tomorrow evening and you'll get the real facts on all his wild escapades: Encounters with a Sasquatch! Abduction by Space Aliens! Outrunning a Giant Boulder, Pirates AND Ninjas -- from Finland!!! (Okay, I have no proof any of these events actually happened. But they could have. Strange things happen in the mountains, that's all I'm saying.)

In any event, you'll get the inside scoop on Big Bear, find out what Tim really did up there, and see the pics. Brace yourself. This could get crazy.

Until next time, hasta later, Blitzers!


Big Bear Blitz Update

Tim is still up in Big Bear, making the rounds and Blitzing. Venturing out into the untamed wild, he was temporarily stuck on a fire road. Though initially fearing he might not make it out, he was able to clear some rocks and get back on the road to adventure. YES! No further reports available at press time, but I'm sure he's fine. (How Big Bear is surviving both Tim and the Blitz, I have no idea. It's probably okay.)

Maestro BlitzTim will be back some time tomorrow, so there will be more pics following very soon. Until then, Follow Your Blitz!


The Blitz is Back On!

Hey, Blitzers. Long time, no chat. How's the significant other, kids, dogs, goldfish...? Glad to hear it. Your PhotoBlitz Team is doing great. Tim's recovered and has gotten his game back on with astonishing speed. I'm doing just nifty, thanks. Which brings us to new business.

Just the other day, Tim said he thought the blog was a little Blitz-deficient. You know, back in the day, we were posting a variety of Blitzs. Now, it's just been a series of Blitzettes, with quotes. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but he felt we need to get back to our roots and give you MORE! So today, on his 53rd birthday he's in Big Bear -- Blitzing. Just for you. Because he cares. For YOU. No thanks required. It's what he does.

I, on the other hand, am diligently working on today's post because, well, that's what I do. I'm also working on a surprise. Yes, because I care about you, too. Exciting, isn't it? You'll hear about it soon, so stay tuned. In the meantime, enjoy this pic of Big Bear taken just hours ago. More Big Bear to come, and more Blitzs to enjoy very soon. Until then, hasta later, Blitzers!


"While there is perhaps a province in which
the photograph can tell us nothing more
than what we see with our own eyes, there is another
in which it proves to us how little our eyes
permit us to see."

~ Dorothea Lange ~


"We all want progress,
but if you're on the wrong road,
progress means doing an about-turn
and walking back to the right road;
in that case, the man who turns back soonest
is the most progressive."

~ C. S. Lewis ~