"A good photograph is knowing where to stand." ~ Ansel Adams ~

The collaborative journal of two intrepid photographers on an epic quest to
figure out just where to stand -- while watching out for what they step in.


“You lose sight of things...
and when you travel, everything balances out.”
~ Daranna Gidel ~


You Can Get Anywhere...

...if you just take it one step at a time.

Have a great weekend, everybody! Follow Your Blitz!


For You...

...'Cause you're such a sharp group! :-D

The weekend is nearly upon us! Blitz on, everybody!


How Sweet It Is!

Greetings, Blitzers! This was a grand day! An auspicious day! A day that will live in infamy...well, no not that last one. Let's just say it was good.

Now, it did not start off well: I was under a cloud. A big one. A whole flotilla of them, actually. The kind that are dark and ominous and threaten to storm down cats & hippopotamus's. So not good. Drained the mind, spirit, body, and possibly the oil in my car. Who knows? It was such a magnetic force of suckiness, that I immediately took an extended nap upon returning home from work. Why so awful, you ask? (I know you ask, because you Blitzers are a sympathetic bunch.) Welllll...nah, why get you all riled up too? (You're also an empathetic bunch.) Let's just say the superpowers of friends helped. And a nap.

Anyway, before the friends and the nap, I wasn't sure I would find the strength, the will, the sheer inner Blitz that would allow me to continue writing this blog. I asked Tim if he'd consider writing it for a while. He wasn't enthusiastic.

"Dammit, Jim, I'm a photographer, not a ship's doctor!" I'm not sure who Jim is or what that meant, but I took it as a "No." (Actually, he said something about pulling teeth, but dental work is unnerving; I didn't want to scare anyone.)

And so, this evening, I faced the computer and turned it on...

...Then I went to Facebook and Youtube.

See, even with the friends and the nap, I was still a quart low. Why not visit the Internet's two favorite time-wasters first? So, I did. For quite a while. But, one can't stay there forever, tempting though it is. (Frankly, there are days I wish I'd stay away altogether, but that's a whole 'nuther Oprah.) So, I navigated to this very blog and...da-da-DA! I found that we have another new follower! We now have a whole half-dozen, amazing, Blitzed-Out followers -- YES!!!

Why is this so exciting? Because we love the PhotoBlitz and we want everyone to love it too. We want to see you go out, snap pics like it's going out of style (which it isn't, no worries), and share your pics with everyone. Observe the world a little more closely. Take time to study the awesomeness around. Take it all in...then go to our Facebook page and share your pics with other Blitzing enthusiasts. We'd love to see your pics, so stick 'em on our wall.

Welcome everyone. Now go and Follow Your Blitz!

Don't Worry, Be Happy!

“Be happy. It's one way of being wise.”
~ Sidonie Gabrielle ~


Handy Photo Tip #567

For those new to processing film in a darkroom...

...this is NOT how to dry your prints.


Who Let the Dogs Out?

If You Can't Run With the Big Dogs...

...Blitz 'em!

Have a great week, everybody!

The Tour Continues...

Well, yesterday we showed you the PhotoBlitz warehouse. Today, we take you to the super-secret vault. This is where all the backup files of pics we post are kept under rusted lock-and-key. We're not too worried about anyone breaking into it though, because the vault itself is hidden waaaaaay up in the mountains. It's about a five-day journey through densely-forested forests, across a few treacherous, alligator-inhabited, Class V rivers, and it's guarded by a troll. Yes, a real one. (We found him on Craig's List.) You can see why we're not too worried about anyone getting into our files -- though we are a little concerned the troll might eat them. But that's the chance you take with trolls.

In any event, for now the files are safe. They're just waiting to be delved into, when we start picking pics for the first-ever PhotoBlitz publication-thingy. (Yeaaah, still working out what to call it.) Remember: we need your help! Let us know which pics you'd like to see printed and, you know, maybe we'll print it. Give us your selections, Blitzers; otherwise, who knows what we'll do?

Hasta la Later, Blitzers!