Greetings, Blitzers. Well, things around here have been changing at the speed of light. Just days after returning home from the hospital, Tim was released to return to work. Boo! But, he made it through the day and then received a package full of awesomeness:

Yay! A fancy, schmancy, navy blue Pentax K-x DSLR. (Ya, navy blue.) Cool, huh? And with that, Blitzers, Tim has taken a giant leap into the stratosphere of advanced amateur photographers. Not that he wasn't already Blitzing Bigtime, but now he's got equipment that will keep up with his vision... So now what?
I'm not sure.
PhotoBlitz.US started as a creative collaboration, but as the experiment has continued, it's become clear that Tim and I have different strengths and goals. There is no doubt that Tim is a photographer, first, foremost, above all. It's what he does. It may be what he's doing at this very second. (The evening light is good right now.) With Tim's new lease on life, his new camera, and his desire to explore new avenues, he will no doubt continue to be an unstoppable force of Blitzosity.
Which leaves me.
Unlike Tim, I'm not a photographer first. I am a writer/thinker/idea person who likes to click pics. I also like to connect, to share, to communicate. That's what this blog has been about: sharing Tim's work (and a little of mine), sharing my ideas (and some of his), and getting you all to share in that excitement. I hope we've done that. But now it's time to move forward. Not move on, but forward.
There are plans in the works to make this more YOU AND US, rather than just US. With all that's happened recently, PhotoBlitz.US is being re-evaluated and re-designed. This blog will continue, but it may be a little less Blitzy for the time being, as time and energy will be poured into developing the newer, bigger PhotoBlitz.US site. We still have plans for a PhotoBlitz portfolio, but that's on hold for now. So hang in there with us during the remodel. We'll still have fun and there will still be pics. Also, be sure to check out the Facebook page for random photo tidbits.
Hasta later, Blitzers. We'll be back.