"A good photograph is knowing where to stand." ~ Ansel Adams ~

The collaborative journal of two intrepid photographers on an epic quest to
figure out just where to stand -- while watching out for what they step in.


Random Stuff

Happy Weekend, Blitzers! Don't ya just love it? We sure do!

Tim is back from his NorCal adventure and I've seen the pics. Holy cow, but they're awesome indeed! We'll be posting them very soon. Think you'll enjoy them. But this Friday evening was dedicated to catching up, enjoying a night of fab Mexican food, a Clint Eastwood flick, and a quick read-through of Popular Photography's test of the Nikon D3000, the model we've had on our wish list. After seeing the results though, we're are considering the mag's recommendation to go with a D90 instead. Pricier, but something we won't outgrow too quickly. So, we'd be way happy if some amazingly kind-hearted bazillionaire would like to buy a couple of these for us. (Just throwing it out there, no pressure. But we've got the puppy-dog eyes going. Hey, I'm just sayin'...) Funny how quickly those bells and whistles can entice us Blitzer-types...

'K, short & sweet tonight. We're leaving early to go hiking in Murrieta tomorrow. It's a group hike, so we can't take our time snapping. But we'll do our mightiest to grab some good shots while we're being rugged and outdoorsy. In the meantime, enjoy this evening's grab bag of pics.

Make this a Blitz-filled weekend, everybody. Hasta later!


A Whole New World

"Learn to see, and then you'll know there is
no end to the new worlds of our vision."
~ Carlos Castaneda ~

(Incidentally, Blitzers, it may have come to your attention that there wasn't a new post on Thursday morning. Not so! It was like this: I wrapped up a post I'd started on 4.4.10, and uploaded it yesterday. But, it went straight into the archive, dated the fourth, and you probably didn't see it. So, travel back in time and check out "In Praise of Digital" -- just make sure you return to the present when you're done. Hasta later, Blitzers!)


"Trust that little voice in your head that says 'Wouldn't it be interesting if...' And then do it." ~ Duane Michals, More Joy of Photography~

Today's pic was shot by high school student, Lexi Sanchez. Lexi is an avid cell-phone-camera Blitzer. She is constantly experimenting with composition, perspective, backgrounds,... all the things that will no doubt help her develop some mighty photo chops. Nice! Oh, just one thing: Her mom sent this pic to me, so today's post will be a surprise for Lexi. Wait, here she comes. Okay, everybody, on three: One...Two...Three...


Hasta later, Blitzers!


Will Ya Look at That!

"To think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted." ~George Kneller~

[Today's photo magnanimously shared by PhotoBlitz Crew Member & Lisa's Honorary "Crazy Bro", Scott Francis. Thanks, Francisco!]


Facebook Has Been Blitzed!

Hello-Hello, Blitzers! The moment you have anxiously awaited has arrived. No, you didn't win the Lottery. Even better: Our Facebook page is ready! Hmm. You seem a little underwhelmed. Okay, so it's not a ton o' cash. But it can still be awesome -- you just have to join us.

The FB PhotoBlitz.US page is where you can interact with me, Tim, and other Blitzers. There will be cool info, ideas, AND (best of all), it's the place where your photo projects can be shared with others. We'll still be serving up posts here daily, but the FB page is where we can add all kinds of tasty little extras. Cool? Yeah! Okay, then. Let's get to Project Numero Uno: The Poetry/Photo Project, aka Poe/Pho.

As you'll recall, April is National Poetry Month. In order to celebrate in the genius way that we Blitzers do, we're asking you to snap a pic that illustrates either a line from a poem, or an entire poem. A really epic-incredible poem. Or maybe Dr. Seuss. Just as long as it's amazing. Then, add your pic to the Poe/Pho Project Album. For the caption, either type in the line you are illustrating or add a link to the site where the entire poem can be viewed. It's that easy! Check out what other Blitzers are doing too. The more that join in, the more fun we'll have. So get working on that project. You have until the end of April, but why wait? Blitz on!

In Praise of Digital

Let's talk about how awesome digi-cams are, shall we? But first, let me make a confession: when they first came out, I didn't like them. True story. I couldn't even tell you why. The idea of not processing film in a dark room just seemed wrong. So for years, I was content to use my film cameras...and spend a lot on processing rolls that might only have one or two pics that really thrilled me. Little wonder, I began to shoot less and less, until I hardly touched my camera at all.

Years went by and, though I still liked looking at pics, I rarely took them myself. I know. Tragic, is it not? But a couple of years ago, the lightbulb finally went off. If I got a digi-cam, I could practice snapping pics as much as I wanted to and I'd only have to print -- and pay for -- the pics I wanted. A-ha moment! (Hey, I never claimed to be a rocket scientist.) Anyway, I got my little Canon PowerShot and have been a snap-crazy fool ever since.

There are still purists who enjoy the challenge and mystery of film and won't give digi a chance. I still like to shoot film sometimes too, but for fun and practice, the digital is your friend. You can try out ideas and instantly see what they look like. Shoot from odd angles. Wildly alter the colors in your pics. Crop a pic fifteen different ways. Shoot the most everyday, ordinary subjects. Move the camera while you're shooting...you can be as creative as you like.

Some things will work, some won't, you can see the results right away, and you don't have to part with any cash unless you want to. Are you feeling the awesomeness of that? Oh, yeah!

(I'm especially glad I didn't have to pay to develop this shot.)

So, if you're digi-cam is sitting around gathering dust, or you still haven't made the leap to one, get one! The world is ready, so start taking your shots.

Go to it, Blitzers!

BTW, Maestro Tim and his delightful daughter, Anna, have been on "special assignment" that past few days. (Okay, it's a vacation, but "special assignment" sounds way cooler, don't ya think?) They've Ultra-Blitzed Northern California, so be ready for tons of awesome pics coming your way very soon. Lemme hear ya say, "Sweet!"

For the Love of the Blitz

This is the work of an amateur:

So is this:

And this:

Not bad, huh?

Tim made those pics. All of today's pics. He composed them, shot them, and edited them. Tim an amateur...a very focused, talented and creative amateur. Odds are, you're one too. And that means you ROCK! Yes, you do. Be proud.

Why do Blitzers and other creatives so often buy into the idea that being an amateur means existing in some kind of lesser state? That unless you're a Professional, your work isn't all that? Or, that unless you've sunk a bazillion dollars into major studio photog equipment, you're not serious? People, let's look at this: The word amateur stems from the Latin amator (lover) and amore (to love). Its primary meaning is someone who pursues something out of love. (Sounds serious to me.) But over time, a secondary meaning, that an amateur is one who lacks the chops, has taken hold.

So not true.

Not everyone chooses to or is able to pursue photography as a Professional. (Meaning someone who gets dinero for their pics, regardless of how genius the work is. Let's face it, there are a lot of competent, but uninspired, pics out there that sell.) Granted, a person who is clicking the cam every day and has to produce consistently good work -- and sell it -- has a lot of incentive to improve their skills. (It's that or don't eat, right?) But a passionate amateur, with lots of amore for Blitzing, is going to spend time and energy learning too. Might take longer to get the same results (that "day job" thing) but that doesn't take away from their seriousness or the talent they're packing. There's a whole lot of awesome out there that the world just hasn't seen yet. But it's there. Oh, yeah, it's there.

So, you Blitz-loving amateurs, when you next go out, stand tall. No matter if you're carrying a disposable point-and-shoot or a DSLR. So what if you've been Blitzing a week or a decade? Just get out there, shoulders squared, and work that camera. You may not be professional photographers, but you are definitely Pro Blitzers. Go out and make the magic happen, people. You have so got this.