"A good photograph is knowing where to stand." ~ Ansel Adams ~

The collaborative journal of two intrepid photographers on an epic quest to
figure out just where to stand -- while watching out for what they step in.


Special Collector's Edition, 102nd in a Series.

Greetings, Blitzers. Today, we are pleased to offer you this fine, limited edition blog post. Number 102 in the series, this exquisite entry will be a valued addition to your collection. Available only on the PhotoBlitz blog, we invite you to take advantage of this post now. View it, re-view it, then view it again. We are sure you'll have countless hours of enjoyment from this fine item. As an added bonus, we include this exclusive PhotoBlitz Certificate of Authenticity, which can be printed from your computer, framed, then proudly displayed as a testament to your good taste:


This unlimited time offer will not expire any time soon, so don't act now. Just enjoy the post, with our compliments and appreciation.


And Now, For the FIRST TIME EVER...

...the 101st post! KA-CHING!

Wow. That wasn't quite as exciting as the 100th, was it? (sigh)

Cool pic though, huh? Enjoy the weekend, Blitzers!


Today Marks the Blog's 100th Post.

Lock it up!
(You think there would've been a party or something...)


I was wondering where I left the dust mop!


It's What We Were Born to Do

You are a champion. Did you know that? Anyone tell you that lately? No? I'm shocked. Thank goodness WE are here for YOU. 'Cause someone's got to tell you how it is, and who better than your dynamic PhotoBlitz duo? Well, yeah, okay, there's probably a ton of people more qualified: Dr. Phil, Phil Jackson, the L.A. Philharmonic... but have they done it? Uh, noooo. AH-HAH! That makes us the experts by default. So there. Now, let's begin.

What is it that makes you so awesome? Is it your charm? Good looks? Complete collection of Star Wars action figures dating from the late 70's? Well, duh! That goes without saying. But beyond that, it is your commitment. It is your drive. It is your intense dedication to and pursuit of the Blitz. While others stand on the sidelines or sit on their badunkies, you are out there with your cameras. You don't rest. You don't weary. You don't let the trials, tribulations, and bad hair days steer you off course. Though at times, the wild hurricanes of life batter and beat your will to Blitz on, still you rise. Still, you raise your camera. Like an Olympus-toting phoenix soaring upwards, you squeeze that shutter and Click Those Pics. (If phoenixes could hold cameras, of course. They obviously can't. Except maybe in those Harry Potter films...)

What we are saying -- and by we, I mean I, writing for the both of us and generally not failing to stun Tim when he reads my random blathering after it posts -- is that champions do not lose focus. They don't quit. They don't allow anything to stop them from pursuing their passions and their dreams. As Blitzers, we -- and by we I mean you and us -- chase after images, and stories, and fleeting moments that will become memories the second they pass. We capture and create illusions, and perceptions of reality. No matter what level of expertise we have or will ever attain, this is Who We Are and What We Do. When we know this and go after it, no matter where it leads, we are awesome. We are victorious. We Are Champions.

"If you find that thing you love, it doesn't necessarily matter whether you do it well or not -- you just need to do it." ~ Stanley Tucci ~

Follow Your Blitz.

Never -- we repeat, NEVER -- let anyone steal your joy.


The Blitz Never Rests!

Oh, who are we kidding?

Take it easy, Blitzers!