"A good photograph is knowing where to stand." ~ Ansel Adams ~

The collaborative journal of two intrepid photographers on an epic quest to
figure out just where to stand -- while watching out for what they step in.


So Many Ideas...

...that we need a warehouse to hold them!

The activity never stops at PhotoBlitz headquarters. Your team is constantly cranking out ideas and pictures by the ton! (It's true; we weighed them.) After only three months on the project, our executive offices were being crowded by all that magnificent creativity. Hence, the need for a warehouse. It's not as spacious as we'd like, but sometimes you just have to work with what ya got...just as we do with our cameras.

Happy weekend, Blitzers!


Why Do We Blitz?

'Cause that's how we roll.


All Good Things Come to An End...

Yes, Blitzers, the time has come. It is over. Finished. Done. Washed away into the oceans of time, never to return.

The first quarter of the PhotoBlitz.US project has ended --


You thought we were leaving! Did we scare you? Just a little? Oh, c'mon! You know we did. I mean, we've been here for three months, bringing you pictures from around the globe -- or at least our neck o' the woods. (Barcelona, Yucaipa. Same thing.) We've encouraged you to get your cameras out and about. (Judging from pics I'm seeing on our Facebook group page, some peeps are finding their Blitzosity.) WE have been here for YOU, just because you're awesome and we like that about you. So, how could we go away? You'd soooo totally miss us. So, fear not, dear Blitzers. The par-tay is just getting started! In fact, we've got a sub-project coming up: The first volume of the PhotoBlitz.US 'zine/folio/publication-thingy. (Still working out that whole name business.)

Yes, we're going to have a printed supplement to the blog. It's going to be amazing! It will be a recap of the blog's first quarter. Expect old pics, new pics, some writing, maybe an origami project or a recipe for marinara sauce... Who knows? We haven't had a meeting of the publication staff yet to work out the details. Rest assured, however; we're on it. But we could use your help.

A lot of pics get posted in three months. As you can guess, we posted pics which we like. But we want to know what YOU liked. Have a personal favorite? Maybe two, three,...? We know: how does anyone choose between the Mona Lisa and, uh,...you know, some other really famous painting? It is a difficult task. But we believe in you and your expertise. Play art director and tell us which pics you'd like to see in print. Comment here or visit the Facebook group page and leave a post for us with your selection(s). We really want to include some of your faves, so get in on this!

Hasta later, Blitzers!


What's the Motivation?

Hello, beautiful people! Welcome back. What have you all been up to? Clicking pics? Loads of them? My, but aren't you an impressive bunch! We've been Blitzing, too! Clicking and editing and posting and blogging...It's total PhotoBlitz chaos! Very, very cool, but also a little perplexing. I was considering all the PhotoBlitz activity that is taking place around the world, 24/7, by people from all levels of Blitzosity and I suddenly found myself one question: WHY?

The easy answer, of course, is that we dig making pics. I mean, that would only make sense. Blitzing isn't the sort of thing you do even if you don't like it, like getting a root canal or eating liver. (Ewww & blech!) You've got to have at least a smidge of enthusiasm if you're going to lug a camera everywhere. Or swerve over to the side of the freeway to catch that amazing cloud formation. Or...well, you get the idea. Blitzing makes us do stuff that most people won't (and perhaps shouldn't) do. So, yeah, we've got a thing for it. But what is it that compels us to Blitz in the first place?

I was reading a book this evening. Miracle! (No, not that I can read. That I had time to read. Sheesh!) Anyway, the author asked a question: "Do you create for the pure joy of creating or are you looking for a particular response?" Interesting question, thought I. Hmmm. Interesting because one thing I've observed is that creatives are big on response. Sometimes bordering on obsessed. No wonder. You spend all your time creating, often alone, and you send your work out into the world, you wait and then..."Halleluyer!" Everybody loves it and lavishes you with praise. YAY! Doesn't that feel nice? Sure it does, don't lie. It's nice to have your stuff appreciated. But what if no one likes it? Or it's ignored entirely? If the response is not encouraging or non-existent, then what? That takes us to the other option: creating for the pure joy of it.

A few weeks after this blog started, Tim asked me what I would do if nobody read it. Would it matter? Would I want to continue working on it? The question caught me by surprise, because the obvious answer (in my mind) was, "Uh, yeeaaah." Even if no one ever read it, the blog would be a creative exercise. I was enjoying the challenge. Why stop? It's like the pics I post on Facebook: If they get noticed and receive compliments, "Woo-hoo!"; I'll take 'em. But there's a lot of my stuff that's ignored and that's fine. It shows me what's not evoking a response and that's a chance to learn. All good, folks. Bottom line: I do this because it makes me happy, first and foremost. Hopefully, it's the same way for you. Following Your Blitz, means enriching your mind and fulfilling your creative spirit. Take your pics, enjoy seeing the world around you in a way most people don't, and live a more awesome life. That's what it's all about.

Now run along and get back to Blitzness! And for those days when you feel ignored, remember this: YOU ARE A PHOTOBLITZING MACHINE AND YOU ROCK!

Hasta later, Blitzers.


"The capacity for delight
is the gift of paying attention."
~ Julia Cameron ~