Yes, Blitzers, the time has come. It is over. Finished. Done. Washed away into the oceans of time, never to return.

The first quarter of the PhotoBlitz.US project has ended --
You thought we were leaving! Did we scare you? Just a little? Oh, c'mon! You know we did. I mean, we've been here for three months, bringing you pictures from around the globe -- or at least our neck o' the woods. (Barcelona, Yucaipa. Same thing.) We've encouraged you to get your cameras out and about. (Judging from pics I'm seeing on our Facebook group page, some peeps are finding their Blitzosity.) WE have been here for YOU, just because you're awesome and we like that about you. So, how could we go away? You'd soooo totally miss us. So, fear not, dear Blitzers. The par-tay is just getting started! In fact, we've got a sub-project coming up: The first volume of the PhotoBlitz.US 'zine/folio/publication-thingy. (Still working out that whole name business.)
Yes, we're going to have a printed supplement to the blog. It's going to be amazing! It will be a recap of the blog's first quarter. Expect old pics, new pics, some writing, maybe an origami project or a recipe for marinara sauce... Who knows? We haven't had a meeting of the publication staff yet to work out the details. Rest assured, however; we're on it. But we could use your help.
A lot of pics get posted in three months. As you can guess, we posted pics which we like. But we want to know what YOU liked. Have a personal favorite? Maybe two, three,...? We know: how does anyone choose between the Mona Lisa and, uh, know, some other really famous painting? It is a difficult task. But we believe in you and your expertise. Play art director and tell us which pics you'd like to see in print. Comment here or visit the Facebook group page and leave a post for us with your selection(s). We really want to include some of your faves, so get in on this!
Hasta later, Blitzers!
You thought we were leaving! Did we scare you? Just a little? Oh, c'mon! You know we did. I mean, we've been here for three months, bringing you pictures from around the globe -- or at least our neck o' the woods. (Barcelona, Yucaipa. Same thing.) We've encouraged you to get your cameras out and about. (Judging from pics I'm seeing on our Facebook group page, some peeps are finding their Blitzosity.) WE have been here for YOU, just because you're awesome and we like that about you. So, how could we go away? You'd soooo totally miss us. So, fear not, dear Blitzers. The par-tay is just getting started! In fact, we've got a sub-project coming up: The first volume of the PhotoBlitz.US 'zine/folio/publication-thingy. (Still working out that whole name business.)
Yes, we're going to have a printed supplement to the blog. It's going to be amazing! It will be a recap of the blog's first quarter. Expect old pics, new pics, some writing, maybe an origami project or a recipe for marinara sauce... Who knows? We haven't had a meeting of the publication staff yet to work out the details. Rest assured, however; we're on it. But we could use your help.
A lot of pics get posted in three months. As you can guess, we posted pics which we like. But we want to know what YOU liked. Have a personal favorite? Maybe two, three,...? We know: how does anyone choose between the Mona Lisa and, uh, know, some other really famous painting? It is a difficult task. But we believe in you and your expertise. Play art director and tell us which pics you'd like to see in print. Comment here or visit the Facebook group page and leave a post for us with your selection(s). We really want to include some of your faves, so get in on this!
Hasta later, Blitzers!
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