We REALLY Need New Equipment...
To: Lisa
I thought we'd have our DSLRs by now! So where are they? Just 'cause I can make magic with almost anything doesn't mean I should have to. I mean, this thing belongs in a museum.

From: Lisa
To: Tim
Tim-san, I'm right there with you. Look, not only is my camera even more retro-grade than yours, I have to spin gold out of this old thing. Do ya think that's easy? Where's my Mac Powerbook?!?

From: Tim
To: Lisa
What should we do? We really need to upgrade.
From: Lisa
To: Tim
How much plasma ya got?
Attention Job Seekers!

We don't know who the employer is, how much it pays, or, even what kind of job this is. (Frankly, we're afraid to ask.) But if the pickings have been slim, then this may be your opportunity of a lifetime! Before you apply, though, ask yourself just one question:
Am I really that desperate?
Kind of puts everything back into perspective, doesn't it?
Hey, you're welcome. Now go Follow Your Blitz!
And Now for a Musical Interlude...

DJ Tasty is here to introduce a new & exciting, semi-regular, occasionally featured feature: The Blitz Beat. Ya, we're busting out some tunes, baby! Wooo-hooo!
You may have gotten the impression that we're so obsessed with Blitzing, we have no time for anything else. This is true...when it comes to boring stuff, like balancing checkbooks. But when it comes to music, well, who doesn't have time for that? In fact, tunes are an integral part of the whole PhotoBlitz lifestyle. Tim never puts the Pathfinder in drive without a good batch of CD's for the trip. And because we are here for YOU, we'll periodically be sharing some tasty musical morsels for you to sample. Today, we're leading off with three photo-inspired songs. Check 'em out and enjoy!
Photograph by Ringo Starr
Click Click Click Click by Bishop Allen
Picture Book by The Kinks
It's A Bird, It's A Plane, It's Comic Con!

It was in a local paper, not The Daily Planet, where I read that Comic Con was being held in Anaheim for the first time ever! Comic Con, for those of you who don't know, is this epic comic book/sci-fi/pop culture event that's held around the country. In So Cal, San Diego has been the place to be every year, when thousands of fanboys and girls (often in costumes) swarm upon the three-day event that features vendors, celebrities, artists, and whatever else goes along with a convention essentially dedicated to fantasy worlds. Think of it as Nerdvana. Or maybe Geekapalooza. I know about CC 'cause one of my nephews has worked in the video gaming biz for a looong time and attending Comic Con is part of the job. (Rough work, huh?) Now, lest you think I'm poking fun at those who go...well, Ya! But only a little. True confession: I grew up on comic books. Lots of them. (Thanks, Dad!) And frankly, you don't grow up reading about the Justice League without wishing, just a little, that you could be a member. So, I HAD to see just what CC was all about. (Besides, Tim said I needed to do a special assignment. Two birds with one stone, thought I.)

I've got to admit, I was a little geeked up about going. After all the amazing things my nephew told me about CC San Diego, I was pumped for a total PhotoBlitz fest. I was packing three cameras, extra cards, R2-D2 on my backpack for cred, and Domo-san in my backpack for mojo. I was ready for superheroes and total chaos; it was going to be epic!

Then I got there.
I wasn't sure if it was the sound of crickets or my hopes cracking as they were dashed on the ground, but I seemed to be alone. Well, not totally, but there were no crowds. There were no costumes. There was...there was...a lot of empty. I panicked a little. How was I going to Blitz "empty"?!? And then, little by little, people began to arrive. Some were even in costume.

I shook off my disappointment and got to work. As I snapped pics and talked to folks -- who were, BTW, awesome-amazing! -- I found out that (1) Saturday had been way busier; (2) for being the first year in Anaheim, the turn out was actually really good, and (3) I HAVE to go to CC San Diego because it's HUGE!
I also learned something else: superheroes do exist.

You probably recognize Mindy Sterling. She played "Frau" in the Austin Powers movies. (Crazy-funny, wasn't she?) She was at CC in the Autograph section. There were rows of celeb booths in this area. I'd checked it out earlier, but since everyone was charging like $20 bucks and up for a photo or signature, I steered clear of it. (I mean, really? Tim and I will sign autographs and take pics with ya for free -- and those will be worth tons of cash...someday.) Anyway, later in the day I passed by again; I saw the "Cancer Bites" sign first. Then I saw Mindy. Came to find out that she was promoting a line of t-shirts (AttitudeTee.com) with inspirational, and sometimes funny, messages for cancer fighters and those who support them. (Mindy herself is a cancer survivor.) Since I'm doing the Revlon Walk next month, I got a shirt to wear for it. Mindy also signed a "Frau" pic for me, and posed for a couple of snaps after we chatted briefly. Very nice lady, active in promoting cancer prevention, and she is now on my "hero" list.

I also found out that going "Star Wars" can bring out some noble instincts. There's a group called the 501st Legion whose members dress up like Stormtroopers, Jedis, Wookies, you name it. Sure, it's probably good, geeky fun -- but it's also for a purpose. They do charity performances and work to raise awareness of pediatric cancer and also raise money for groups like the Make-a-Wish Foundation and Children's Cancer Fund. How cool is that? Proud Yoda would be, mmmm.
When I left Comic Con, I had a good feeling about the day. It hadn't been the madness I'd expected, but it was epic in it's own way: I'd met some kind, sincere people, had some laughs, and snapped pics. It was, if I may say, Blitz-tastic. So, will I go on to Comic Con San Diego this summer? Hard to say. On the other hand,...

...you never know where us superheroes will turn up.
For more Comic Con Anaheim pics, Click Here!
'Round, 'Round, Get Around...

That's right, your friendly neighborhood PhotoBlitz team has definitely been gettin' around this weekend. Tim Blitzed Riverside with our good friend, "Johnny Danger" Mills, for a little HDR photo session. Not to be outdone, I drove waaaaaaaay out to Anaheim and hung out with Elvis -- Jedi Elvis. Yeah, that's right. (Well, thank you. Thank you very much.) We'll post the results this week. In the meantime, may the PhotoBlitz Force be with you!