DJ Tasty is here to introduce a new & exciting, semi-regular, occasionally featured feature: The Blitz Beat. Ya, we're busting out some tunes, baby! Wooo-hooo!
You may have gotten the impression that we're so obsessed with Blitzing, we have no time for anything else. This is true...when it comes to boring stuff, like balancing checkbooks. But when it comes to music, well, who doesn't have time for that? In fact, tunes are an integral part of the whole PhotoBlitz lifestyle. Tim never puts the Pathfinder in drive without a good batch of CD's for the trip. And because we are here for YOU, we'll periodically be sharing some tasty musical morsels for you to sample. Today, we're leading off with three photo-inspired songs. Check 'em out and enjoy!
Photograph by Ringo Starr
Click Click Click Click by Bishop Allen
Picture Book by The Kinks
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