Let's talk about how awesome digi-cams are, shall we? But first, let me make a confession: when they first came out, I didn't like them. True story. I couldn't even tell you why. The idea of not processing film in a dark room just seemed wrong. So for years, I was content to use my film cameras...and spend a lot on processing rolls that might only have one or two pics that really thrilled me. Little wonder, I began to shoot less and less, until I hardly touched my camera at all.

Years went by and, though I still liked looking at pics, I rarely took them myself. I know. Tragic, is it not? But a couple of years ago, the lightbulb finally went off. If I got a digi-cam, I could practice snapping pics as much as I wanted to and I'd only have to print -- and pay for -- the pics I wanted. A-ha moment! (Hey, I never claimed to be a rocket scientist.) Anyway, I got my little Canon PowerShot and have been a snap-crazy fool ever since.

There are still purists who enjoy the challenge and mystery of film and won't give digi a chance. I still like to shoot film sometimes too, but for fun and practice, the digital is your friend. You can try out ideas and instantly see what they look like. Shoot from odd angles. Wildly alter the colors in your pics. Crop a pic fifteen different ways. Shoot the most everyday, ordinary subjects. Move the camera while you're shooting...you can be as creative as you like.

Some things will work, some won't, you can see the results right away, and you don't have to part with any cash unless you want to. Are you feeling the awesomeness of that? Oh, yeah!
(I'm especially glad I didn't have to pay to develop this shot.)
So, if you're digi-cam is sitting around gathering dust, or you still haven't made the leap to one, get one! The world is ready, so start taking your shots.

Go to it, Blitzers!

BTW, Maestro Tim and his delightful daughter, Anna, have been on "special assignment" that past few days. (Okay, it's a vacation, but "special assignment" sounds way cooler, don't ya think?) They've Ultra-Blitzed Northern California, so be ready for tons of awesome pics coming your way very soon. Lemme hear ya say, "Sweet!"
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