Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop. ~ Ansel Adams ~
Twelve. Significant. Photos. In one year.
Twelve. Significant. Photos. In one year.

Woooo-hoo! Lucky us! We're not even aiming for significant. We'll be happy with a few half-way decent pics each time we PhotoBlitz. That sure takes the pressure off. Ooh, I see a raised hand. Yes, you in the lovely Guns 'n' Roses T-shirt.
"Tim, Lisa," you say, (or if you're too shy, we'll say it for you), "What exactly amounts to a few?" "Well," we respond sagely, " it depends on the Blitz." "Ah," you say soberly, nodding, "I see." We smile and nod along with you, because: (1) we know you have no idea what we're talking about, and (2) we're pretty sure you're not sober. Guess we've got some 'splainin' to do...
Why do we take pictures? To have fun. And if we're not taking pictures, we won't have fun. (Fun being defined as all the cool stuff that happens when clicking: documenting life, doing something creative, and other things mentioned in previous posts, which you have read, right? There will be a pop quiz, ya know.) But we also take pictures to improve our photo chops. Like anything else, you have to practice to get better...and that means regularly clicking pics.
Unfortunately, people tend to fall into the whole all-or-nothing mentality. Either they have to be out all day and fill a 4GB card, or they don't take pics. At all. So their practice is sporadic because -- except for National Geographic photographers and Lottery winners -- who has hours to spend every day taking pics? (BTW, if you are a Lottery winner, we'd still really like those Nikon cameras. Just a suggestion.)
This is why we've come up with a variety of Blitzs to encourage you to take pics everyday. Yes, you read that correctly. Everyday.
Maestro Tim is really good at Blitzing daily. I am working on it. When I realized that time was a key factor in his success, we came up with a "Blitz List". This list is designed to help a person work snapping pics into the daily grind. The Blitzs are as follows: (1) The Blitzette; (2) The Mini-Blitz; (3) The Standard Blitz; (4) The Mega-Blitz; and (5) The Ultra Blitz. Intriguing? Oh, it is, you betcha. Want more details? Sure you do.
Come by later. We'll talk.
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