We are nothing, if not fashionable.

Okay, maybe not so much. BUT, we do have style.

A certain je ne sais what.

And so do you.
Yes, Blitzers, in the immortal words of Nikka Costa, "Everybody Got Their Something".

Call it "vision", or "aesthetic" or "My Aunt Mabel from Poughkeepsie", it is what makes your work your own. "It" is you, with all your knowledge, and experiences, and dreams, and all that stuff packed inside your mind, heart, and soul, distilled into that crazy, personal PhotoBlitzosity that makes you say, "Gee, hubcaps are the ultimate photo subject." Or makes you want to shoot only in B&W. Or only film. Whatever. It's that quality that makes your something stand out from everybody else's' something.
Everything you create is shaped by you. Even if you imitate others as you learn, the end product is yours alone. Your work, however quirky or mainstream, is all you can do. So don't try to make your stuff like everyone else's. Follow YOUR Blitz. Keep learning technical skills, by all means, and study art and music and film and auto repair...feed your mind and develop as a person. All your efforts will give your work more depth and express more personality. Not to mention make life more fun.
Isn't that what it's all about anyway?
For a few more of our pics, Click Here. For more fun, try to guess who took which pic. No peeking at the descriptions!
There's a time for every star to shine...
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