Hello, Blitzers! Though we strive to bring you tons of awesomeness and news you can use, we've dropped the ball. Ya, it's true. Apparently May is National Photo Month and has been since the 80's. Why we didn't get the memo, who knows? I mean, if anyone should get this super-urgent info, it's us, right? I blame sabotage. That, or, you know, we're just not that observant. Either way, it's okay, because now we know. So let's get this party started!

How do Blitzers celebrate this amazing month? Click pics, what else? Only you have to kick it up a notch. Don't just click pics; do stuff with them! Get camera crazy! Have fun! Still stumped? Well, let's give you a few ideas, shall we?
Back up those digital files. Organize old prints, or put them in photo albums or scrapbooks. Share pics on Facebook or Flickr. Use them for crafts. (Check out Photojojo for some great ideas.) Clean your camera lenses. Buy a new camera. Gather your friends and go on a photo safari. Join a local camera club. Join an online photography group. Take a class. Buy that photography book you've been wanting. Learn about at least one major photographer. Go see a photo exhibit at a museum. Do one Standard Blitz each week.
Get the idea?
Blitzers, it's a month dedicated to what we love. Make the most of it. Then go to our Facebook page and share your pics. 'Cause you make the party, people! Wooo-hooo!
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