My friend and co-worker, Heather, likes to bake. A lot. A whole lot. She is, in fact, kind of bake-crazy. Heather's always bringing in cookies and cupcakes and brownies, oh my! When she walks in, her arms laden with trays and containers of sugary goodness, you can just feel the excitement in the air. In fact, if you're not quick on your feet, you could easily be trampled by the hungry mob rushing to the breakroom for a bite of sweet indulgence.
What does this have to do with Blitzing? Well, if you will recall, Blitzing should involve baked goods of some sort. I mean, you've got to maintain your energy somehow, right? But, aside from that, not a whole lot. Yeah, I could make up some big SAT explanation as to how baked goods are to Blitzing as horseshoes are to space exploration (?). But why? The truth is, I just wanted to take a picture of this giant cupcake that Heather made because it was HUGE and I don't see cupcakes like that everyday. And because Heather's creations are always devoured so quickly, you almost wonder if they even existed. And, sometimes, you just take a pic for no reason other than it's evidence of fun. This cupcake was fun, here's the evidence, and I now share that fun with you.
It's the weekend! PhotoBlitz!
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