Hi-dee-hi, Blitzers! Guess what we're doing today? Field trip! Everybody stay together and hold hands, 'cause today we're heading into -- dun-dun-DUNNN! -- The Danger Zone. Oooooh. Aaaaah.

Meet "Johnny Danger", aka "The Dark Halo", aka John "Danger" Mills.
John is our friend, a member of our PhotoBlitz Posse, computer guru, and the writer/photographer/blogger of Capture the Moment! John is also a big time fan of HDR.
What is HDR, you ask? Good question. Not to be confused with FDR, the 32nd president of the U.S., HDR stands for "High Dynamic Range". It's this imaging thingy that...aw, I dunno. It's kind of technical. All I know is it makes pics go "POP! BOOM! POW!" Let's have Johnny D 'splain it to ya: "It is a process by which multiple images of the same object taken at different exposure/shutter/aperture settings are merged together. Why would you want to do this? Well, each time you change the settings on your camera it filters what it sees. It can be different depth of field, different exposure, different white levels etc. But what would you get if you could have the best of all those pics? You would get something that your camera can't normally do by itself."
Ya, exactly. Just like I said.

Anyway, Tim, our photo-knowledge-sponge, has been getting into the whole HDR thing. When he found out JD needed a bridge for a photo assignment, Tim decided to hike out with him on a PhotoBlitz expedition. The location: an undisclosed location which may or may not have been near the Martha McLean Anza Narrows Park in Riverside, CA and was nowhere near the Santa Ana River Trail, favorite of area cyclists, including myself. Let's just say they went to Italy and leave it at that. (Trust me, it's for your own good.)

So, our two intrepid Blitzers went out last Saturday to Rive, er, I mean, "Italy", and while John took pics of the bridge,...

...Tim took pics of John taking pics of the bridge...

...and just the bridge.

(And to think, I stayed home and slept in.)
Ultimately, it was a successful mission. Tim has started doing a little HDR experimentation and it's only a matter of time before he masters it. But for now, Johnny Danger is our resident expert. So follow him over to his blog, read his write-up on this adventure, and be sure to check out all his HDR pics. They're way cool!
Until next time, everybody, keep Following Your Blitz!
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