Isn't this a great house? Weathered, abandoned, condemned. Probably build way back in the day, maybe the 30's. The old, white paint is peeling, faded, and coated with dust. The windows are boarded shut. It sits on the corner, it's aged beauty ignored, unwanted, and generally unnoticed. Except by me. Can you see why? No? There's a reason for that.
A few times each week, I'd drive past this house and think, I really need to stop by and snap some pics. This house has so much character, so much history, so much amazing...and then I'd drive on because there was too much traffic, or I was in a hurry to get somewhere, or the light wasn't quite right, etc. and so on. There was always a reason. Then one day, as I was going to lunch with my friends, we drove past. As we passed the corner, my "crazy brother" Scott said, "Hey, they finally tore that house down." I turned and, to my horror, the house -- my house -- was gone. Vanished. Disappeared. Not a shred of evidence remained to show that it had ever existed. And I didn't even have a pic because I never made the time to stop and click.
How many times have pics gotten away from you? Pics you could have taken, but didn't... Because. Because. There was always had a reason, sometimes valid, sometimes not. But then you kick yourself later because you didn't catch it. Hey, it's probably happened to all of us. But let's promise ourselves not to let it happen again. Don't count on that sunset being the same tomorrow, or that amazing building being there next week, or anything staying the same. Change happens every day. Don't let that amazing opportunity get away from you; carry your camera, and when the photo op jumps out in front of you, yelling, "Hey! Look at me!", STOP! Right then and there. Focus that lens, click that shutter, take that picture, and claim Victory! You got it. You own it. It's yours.
New day, new week, new photo ops. Go get 'em, Blitzers!
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