You made it, Blitzers! Level Five! Woooo-hoooo! Good effort, everyone. I know you endured hardships getting to this point: Lugging around those heavy cell phones and pocket cameras; clicking pics of neat images all day, every day; going cool places; having to struggle through all these highly technical posts filled with really big words... But the good news is, today you can relax. Today, we talk about the Ultra Blitz. Dun-Dun-DAH!

Remember when we first talked about the Blitzs? The main reason for creating them was to help you make time to take pics, because, "...except for National Geographic photographers and Lottery winners -- who has hours to spend every day taking pics?" Remember that? Well, the Ultra Blitz changes all that. This is the time when you will have all the time you want to PhotoBlitz. The Ultra Blitz is a rare treat, a delicacy. It's for those special times when you go on VACATION, baby!

Aaaaah, vacation. Sweet-ness! Take advantage of all that free time and Blitz like you've ain't never done Blitzed before, baby! Take plenty of cards or film and don't hold back. This is your time! Are you feeling the excitement? Of course you are; vacation is awesome! It doesn't matter if you're enjoying a long weekend in the mountains, or taking a two-week tour of Europe. You are free. You have a camera. You have time. Blitz!

Unless you're boarding a red-eye to NYC right now, you'll have had plenty of time to Blitz before your next vacation. Very cool! Here's why: The more you've practiced, the more you've started to look at things in new ways. You see interest in the ordinary. You know how most people don't even know what's in their own neighborhood or town? They don't go to the local museums or interesting places. They just drive by them every day. It's usually the visiting aunt from Manitoba who goes off exploring and finds out all this cool stuff they never even knew existed -- in their own backyards! But, you, well...that's not you. Not anymore. Since Blitzing, we're pretty sure you've discovered something new. Maybe a lot of new. And that's good. Because if you can find interest in your everyday environment...

...you'll see all kinds of things when you step into a new one.

Some pics will amuse you, some will inspire you, some will just make you think, "Wow, that was really fun." We suggest putting one or a few of those pics up in your cubicle, or your office, or on the visor of your truck. Then every time you see it, you'll remember that it's a big world out there; a world with lots more to see. Keep your eyes open.

Keep on Blitzing!
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