We are exhausted. Tuckered out. Bone-tired weary. In other words, we are Blitzed Out.
Not gonna lie to you, people. It's been a Hard Day's Night. Well, actually many nights. The PhotoBlitz blog project has been running for three weeks now. (Awww, collective group hug, it's an anniversary!) Tim & I have been out Blitzing as often as we can, trying to get a good range of shots for the blog. We've ignored chores (that are now looming over us), gone without good sleep, and have basically been living, breathing, and eating the project. All our spare time has gone into the tasks required to create it. You know what? It's a lot more involved than we thought it would be. See, Blitzing and Blogging are two entirely different creatures. Blitzing is cake. Take pics and have fun. But Blogging is fun and work. Lots of work. All kinds of details we didn't even think about until we fell down the rabbit hole. It's been nuts! But all this has been a learning experience and here's a lesson we've learned...
Not gonna lie to you, people. It's been a Hard Day's Night. Well, actually many nights. The PhotoBlitz blog project has been running for three weeks now. (Awww, collective group hug, it's an anniversary!) Tim & I have been out Blitzing as often as we can, trying to get a good range of shots for the blog. We've ignored chores (that are now looming over us), gone without good sleep, and have basically been living, breathing, and eating the project. All our spare time has gone into the tasks required to create it. You know what? It's a lot more involved than we thought it would be. See, Blitzing and Blogging are two entirely different creatures. Blitzing is cake. Take pics and have fun. But Blogging is fun and work. Lots of work. All kinds of details we didn't even think about until we fell down the rabbit hole. It's been nuts! But all this has been a learning experience and here's a lesson we've learned...
Creative people can sometimes derail their own creative efforts by getting ultra-focused on One Thing. They get that whole tunnel-vision thing going. Ya, sometimes a project needs your total attention, but you still can't allow it to consume you. 'Cause it can and if you let it, it will actually mess up what you're trying to achieve. If you let yourself get stale, so will your work.
Before the Maestro and I started the blog, we PhotoBlitzed a lot. But we also enjoyed movies, had time to read, take a walk,... Nothing crazy like hopping the next plane to Paris, just engaging in activities that gave us a break from Blitzing. But since we've been Blogging, all our energy has gone into the project. Don't get me wrong. It's fun and stimulating, but to remain creative, people need to take time to do something else. Even if it's just catching a movie or sitting down with a book. This is what feeds mind, body, & soul. This is what keeps your creative mojo alive.
So, just for now, grab your camera...and put it away. Put away all PhotoBlitz thoughts. Just for now. Ok, get going. Hit the bookstore. Rent a DVD. Listen to some music. Tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow the adventure will continue...BIGGER, BADDER, AND BOLDER THAN EVER. 'Cause that's how we roll, baby! Woooo-hoooo!
(Ya, I snapped that with the cellie. Oh, c'mon, it was just a Blitzette. Now, it's chill time. You, too, Maestro!)
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