"A good photograph is knowing where to stand." ~ Ansel Adams ~

The collaborative journal of two intrepid photographers on an epic quest to
figure out just where to stand -- while watching out for what they step in.


Level One: The Blitzette

You lead a hectic, on-the-go kind of lifestyle. The kind that's so full of activity that you barely have time to down your Red Bull/Espresso smoothie in the morning. There's the S.O., the kids, the pets, the traffic, the day job (what a time-waster that is!), the gym, the appointments, the post office, the laundry, the dinner, and American Idol. Gosh! Just thinking about it is EX-HAUS-ting... Zzzzzzz...

Oh, sorry, where was I? Oh, yeah. Your crazy-busy life. With all the activity you have going on, when do you have time to indulge in a little pic snapping? "Um, like never," you say? Au contraire! (That's French for, "That is so, like, not even true.") See, even with a busy schedule, you can still take time for pics. You just have to do it in increments. This is where a cell phone camera can be your best friend.

Now, if you have one of those sleek, thin digital cameras or you work for the CIA and have some crazy James Bond pinky ring that hides a camera, phone, computer, helicopter and fully stocked mini bar, you can definitely use that. But the camera on your cell phone is super-convenient and will save you the trouble of lugging around both the phone and your camera. Remember, this is an on-the-fly Blitz, so you don't need your DSLR with its thousands of megapixels. That's for more intensive Blitzs. So leave it at home.

Okay, a Blitzette is one picture. That's it. Just one pic, composed and shot during your day. This Blitz is all about using those spare moments that actually do exist in your day to work on your skills, a little at a time. Check it out.

Exhibit A: You're walking to the supermarket, camera in pocket. You look up and see a great morning sky. Stop for a moment, grab your camera, take the shot.

Exhibit B: You're at the carwash. You look around. You take a few shots while you wait. You get one you like.

Exhibit C: You're shopping. You walk along, now in the habit of observing everything.You study the plants along the walkway. Out comes the camera, and you take the pic.

Voila! You've done three Blitzs and you haven't even had lunch yet. In the course of a day, you could easily do from 5 to 10 Blitzettes. The goal: one good photo. Remember, these aren't meant to be masterpieces. They're meant to get you in the habit of observing and training your eye to see composition, lighting, good photo subjects. But they don't have to be perfect. You can always pretty up the ones you like with editing software if you have time and interest later. But for now, just get in the habit of looking around and using your camera every day. (Just don't hit the mini-bar before taking pics. Tends to make both you and your pics a little fuzzy.)

Come back later, and we'll discuss the Mini-Blitz, with pics from the Maestro.


The Goal and The Levels

Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop. ~ Ansel Adams ~

Twelve. Significant. Photos. In one year.

Woooo-hoo! Lucky us! We're not even aiming for significant. We'll be happy with a few half-way decent pics each time we PhotoBlitz. That sure takes the pressure off. Ooh, I see a raised hand. Yes, you in the lovely Guns 'n' Roses T-shirt.

"Tim, Lisa," you say, (or if you're too shy, we'll say it for you), "What exactly amounts to a few?" "Well," we respond sagely, " it depends on the Blitz." "Ah," you say soberly, nodding, "I see." We smile and nod along with you, because: (1) we know you have no idea what we're talking about, and (2) we're pretty sure you're not sober. Guess we've got some 'splainin' to do...

Why do we take pictures? To have fun. And if we're not taking pictures, we won't have fun. (Fun being defined as all the cool stuff that happens when clicking: documenting life, doing something creative, and other things mentioned in previous posts, which you have read, right? There will be a pop quiz, ya know.) But we also take pictures to improve our photo chops. Like anything else, you have to practice to get better...and that means regularly clicking pics.

Unfortunately, people tend to fall into the whole all-or-nothing mentality. Either they have to be out all day and fill a 4GB card, or they don't take pics. At all. So their practice is sporadic because -- except for National Geographic photographers and Lottery winners -- who has hours to spend every day taking pics? (BTW, if you are a Lottery winner, we'd still really like those Nikon cameras. Just a suggestion.)

This is why we've come up with a variety of Blitzs to encourage you to take pics everyday. Yes, you read that correctly. Everyday.

Maestro Tim is really good at Blitzing daily. I am working on it. When I realized that time was a key factor in his success, we came up with a "Blitz List". This list is designed to help a person work snapping pics into the daily grind. The Blitzs are as follows: (1) The Blitzette; (2) The Mini-Blitz; (3) The Standard Blitz; (4) The Mega-Blitz; and (5) The Ultra Blitz. Intriguing? Oh, it is, you betcha. Want more details? Sure you do.

Come by later. We'll talk.


Today We Are In "Genius Mode"

"It takes a lot of time to be a genius, you have to sit around so much doing nothing, really doing nothing." ~ Gertrude Stein ~

Nothing Compares to US

Tim's not Ansel Adams.

I'm not Mary Ellen Mark.

We're okay with that.

One of the reasons we started PhotoBlitzing was to become better photographers. We like the shots we're getting now, but we know there's way more to learn and no limit on improvement. That makes it easy to look at photos others have taken and learn from them, without putting our own stuff down. We can check out work by Walker Evans or Dorothea Lange and not have a meltdown because our pics aren't like theirs. And we know that even when our photo skills get super-ultra-mighty (which they will), our pics still won't be like theirs; they'll be like ours -- only zestier. But still our photos, our ideas, our visions.

The same will be true with yours.

One of the biggest threats to your PhotoBlitzing enjoyment is comparing your photo chops to others'. Great way to steal your photo-snapping joy, if that's your thing. Not a great way to Blitz. 'Cause if the joy goes out of it, you'll probably quit. Then you'll start watching Gilligan's Island marathons every weekend again. Your camera will become a paperweight or maybe a chew toy for the dog. You'll stare out the window, wondering, "What if?..." Can you feel the tragedy, people? We can. Because if you quit, you'll never know how good you might have become. And you'll absolutely miss out on all the fun you'd have while practicing: going places, seeing things differently, meeting other Blitzers. You don't want to miss out, do ya?

So repeat after us: "I will learn from great photographers, but I will not compare myself with them." Remember, you're not Robert Doisneau. You're not Annie Leibovitz. Take your own shots. Make your own pics. It's your PhotoBlitz. Own it.


Things That Make You Go "Huh?"

PhotoBlitzing will change your life. Bold claim? Yes. But then, we like to make bold claims. Almost as much as we like to make tiny cameras out of marshmallows and graham crackers. (We're kind of crafty that way.) Yet it's true. The world will become an infinitely more interesting place as you search out those one-of-a-kind images that beg you, or perhaps dare you, to capture them. Once you start snapping pics everyday, all kinds of cool stuff will jump out at you: beautiful sunrises, stunning sunsets, flora, fauna, animals, minerals, vegetables, and just how many Starbucks cafes are in every town. (Five hundred.) Yes, your life will become filled with wondrous and amazing sights. But the biggest payoff: Discovering just how quirky everything really is.

Nothing will ever be the same when you discover a place that sells beans of all kinds (including "magic", we assume)...

...learn the many obvious dangers of trucks...

...and spot a cat with an address and a grudge.

You'll be glad to find fully-loaded emergency elevators...

...sensible traffic signs...

..and breathe a sigh of relief when you discover that a Quesadilla with Me is still only $4.59.

The world is indeed full of awesomeness. But don't just take our word for it; Go! Go now!... WAIT! Get your camera first. Okay. Now, GO! Take pics, have fun, and prepare to say...

"Wow. Really?"


Our Sunday Post

Several posts, in fact. Score!