"A good photograph is knowing where to stand." ~ Ansel Adams ~

The collaborative journal of two intrepid photographers on an epic quest to
figure out just where to stand -- while watching out for what they step in.


We Love Cameras!



Maybe next time we'll take a look at the pics. Heard they have some nice ones.

Oh, well. Enjoy the weekend, everybody!


We Liked Everything About Joshua Tree...

Except for One Thing:

This guy's always trying to steal the spotlight.

"A good snapshot stops a moment
from running away."

~ Eudora Welty ~


The People Demand to Know!

Just how much equipment do ya really need to take on an epic PhotoBlitz? Is it this much?

Or this much?

Or, it is THIS much?

That's right, we take a whole load of stuff, 'cause you never know what you'll need.

(Acknowledgement: Were it not for our two wildly enthusiastic staff members, pictured here, we never could have done it. Good job, guys!)

Hasta later, Blitzers!