"A good photograph is knowing where to stand." ~ Ansel Adams ~

The collaborative journal of two intrepid photographers on an epic quest to
figure out just where to stand -- while watching out for what they step in.


Yeah, We're Kind of a Dynamic Duo.

Hey, kids! Here's the prototype...

...for our PhotoBlitz Action Figures! (Yay!)

One question though: Would painting "The BlitzMobile" on the hood increase our chances of being pulled over at DUI checkpoints? Just wondering...


“We live in a wonderful world that is full of
beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end
to the adventures that we can have
if only we seek them with our eyes open.”

~ Jawaharlal Nehru ~


Encourage the Blitz!

I'm not much of an ice cream person. Maybe a scoop or cone every couple of months, even in the summer. But this evening ice cream sounded good, so I headed over to Der Weinerschnitzel. (Their drive-thru's open late.) That is where I met Allen, ice cream artist par excellence. Oui! C'est vrai! (Translation: Ya! True dat!)

I did not realize that underneath that Der visor lurked a creative genius of frozen dairy confection artistry. Yet as Allen handed the cone to me, he said that this cone was indeed the most perfect cone he'd made that day. As you can see, it was magnificent, with its drapelike ripples all perfectly stacked upwards. Not one of those messy globs, with melted ice cream dripping all over, this was a cone worthy of note. Naturally, that meant a Blitzette. "Let's get a picture of this!" I said to Allen. "Yeah!" he responded. With impressive ninja-like reflexes, he produced his cell phone out of nowhere. SNAP! He had a pic. By now, I had my cell phone out. I handed the cone back to him and CLICK! I had a pic of the artist and his sculpture. Two shots, destined for posterity. (If my Facebook page and this blog can be considered posterity. Works for me.)

One of the cool things about Blitzing is that you meet new people. Tim and I have met lots and it's definitely one of the perks of the gig. (Sure ain't the money!) But I don't think we've had a new acquaintance suddenly decide to snap random pics along with us, for the fun of it; they usually just pose. Therefore, ahem, I proclaim this a landmark in PhotoBlitz history: A new friend (Allen) got caught up in my PhotoBlitz enthusiasm and was compelled to take a pic along with me, making him...sniffle...a new Blitzer! Sniffle, sniffle. Sorry. This is big and I'm...I'm...I'm just so proud. Give me a moment...

I'm fine.

So, friends, Romans, Blitzers, lend me your ears. We've a new and grand task ahead of us: It's time to encourage the Blitz! When you're going about your everyday life and cool little moments occur, take a pic AND get others -- especially new friends -- to do the same. We're talking small moments that most people won't capture. Stuff that goes on every day, but people miss. Like perfect ice cream cones. Or giant cupcakes. With some enthusiasm and the willingness to make life fun (perhaps appearing a little goofy in the process), we can make this a world where everyone Follows Their Blitz.

Good luck and good Blitz!


Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what common sense looks like:

Do not be fooled, Blitzers! Unusual taste in snack foods aside, Maestro Tim can be the voice of reason. (Ya, I know, right?) But it's true. In fact, were it not for his "you should think about this" approach, I'd be sitting here with a brand new DSLR next to me...and experiencing some heavy-duty buyer's remorse.

As you may know, or knew and forgot, Tim and I have been keen to own a couple of DSLR's. Originally, we were convinced we each wanted a Nikon D3000. Then it was the D90. (Or maybe it was D95. Who knows? We changed our minds anyway.) We read reviews, started playing with display cameras in-store, and discussed the merits of various brands. I started thinking I wanted a Canon or Olympus. Tim thought he wanted a Canon or Pentax. But should we get an entry-level model, or something a little "beefier"? The more cameras we investigated, the more difficult it was to decide which was the best choice. There was no rush, though, because it was all theoretical anyway.

Until today.

After work, I went to look at cameras with my sis. I'd been mentally debating between various Canon models, and thought I'd narrowed it down to the XS (basic) and the T1i (a couple steps up). When I walked into the store, I had it in mind that I might possibly be leaving with my new DSLR. Then my sister said I was forcing her to spill the beans: she'd ordered a camera for me as a birthday present. WHAT??? Holy cow! What an awesome surprise! Only thing was, she wasn't sure what it was or if it was what I wanted. All she knew was that it was an Olympus and looked like "this camera" or maybe it was "that one". Hmmmm. I had no idea what it could be. I decided to not to buy anything before investigating this further.

My sis gave me the model number later and I looked it up: it wasn't a DSLR, but a compact zoom. Not what I had in mind. We were both a little bummed, and she said she'd return it and get me a gift card to use toward something else. (How cool is that?)

It was getting late, but I really wanted to go back to the store. I wanted to walk in, make my decision, and buy my camera. But first, I stopped to chat with Tim.

When I told him my plan, his reaction was along the lines of, "oh". Not exactly enthusiastic. Just "oh". He was impassive, like PhotoBlitz Zen Maestro Tim. The more I presented my reasoning to him, the less sure I was of my decision. Which camera did I really want? It seemed like I didn't really know. We talked more, and the minutes ticked by. Finally, it was after 8:30 and I knew I wouldn't make it back to the store with enough time to carefully consider the cameras one more time. I'd lost my chance for the evening. So I went to the market instead.

While there, I leafed through a photo magazine and began to think about what I wanted to do with my photography. Fine art prints? Fun stuff? Video montage? The more I considered it, the more I realized that (drum roll please) I don't really need a DSLR right now. Are you shocked? Amazed? Completely horrified? I know, it's a surprise. Truth is, the projects I have in mind don't require it. I just need something a little "more" than what I have now. The compact zoom will do the job. I'll be keeping the Olympus. Sis is happy, and so am I. Sometime next week, I'll be the proud owner of... nah, not going to tell you. I'll let you see it when it arrives.

In the meantime, "Thanks" to Maestro Tim for talking me out of any impulsive buys. Thank goodness for his composed approach. If I'd gone ahead and bought a DSLR I wasn't sure of and didn't need, I'd be looking a little foolish right now.

Ya, kinda like that.

Note: Though I have decided to remain DSLR-free for now, Tim is ready to step up to the awesomeness that is the DSLR. The search continues...


The Blitz Mix Continues

Happy Monday, everybody! Awww, the beginning of the work week. We know, we know. Hey, we're suffering right along with you. But helping us to make the best of it, DJ Tasty is back with some random suggestions for your Blitz Mix. Wooo-hooo!

1. Things Can Only Get Better -- Howard Jones

2. Burning Down the House -- Talking Heads

3. Owner of a Lonely Heart -- Yes


We Need an Assistant!

Your PhotoBlitz team is overwhelmed! Pics to click, pics to edit, places to go, things to do, photogs to meet...and don't even get us started on the blog and Facebook page! (Not to mention the website we haven't even begun to work on.) It's all too much. We decided we need a good multi-tasker to help us out. We're thinking this guy.

Now if we can just find him...